This post is being cross-posted from my other blog, Titus 2 Homemaker, with minor adjustments so that on-site links are still on-site links. Most of the links here are affiliate […]
Living Well
If it’s about healthy lifestyle choices other than food & drink (and isn’t a review), you’ll find it here.
Germ Theory or Terrain Theory? The Body As a Garden
There’s a lot of debate in the health world — especially when you begin to step out into alternative medicine — about germ theory vs. terrain theory. That is, whether […]
What We Know About the Covid-19 Vaccines
There’s a lot of misinformation floating around about the Covid-19 vaccines. I’m going to try to present some straight-up facts here. If they seem lopsided…well, that’s just the nature of […]
Medical Quackery: Fact or Farce?
Let me begin by acknowledging that medical quackery really does occur. The trope of the “snake oil salesman” exists because actual snake oil salesmen existed. But who are the real […]
Iron in Pregnancy – More Than Just Hemoglobin
During pregnancy, care providers typically will seek to monitor iron levels. They do this by checking hemoglobin — usually with a fingerstick, which is a quick and simple way to […]
How Safe is Homebirth?
Do Your Research — Know the Risks! When the subject of birth crops up, inevitably so do the naysayers. They suggest that homebirthers are uneducated and foolish, because surely if […]
Motiv Ring & Oura Ring {review & comparison}
Yesterday I reviewed the Bellabeat fitness tracker. Today I’m talking about the Motiv ring and the Oura ring. This post might be a bit long, but I’m discussing the two […]
Bellabeat Leaf {review}
Fitness trackers, or “health trackers,” have the potential to be quite useful. But most of them are, frankly, ugly, so I wanted to take a closer look at a few […]
Debunking Myths About Tongue Ties
Among those familiar with holistic health/medicine, tongue ties (ankyloglossia) are becoming quite a hot topic. As knowledge of them begins to spread, there has been some inevitable push-back, and the […]
Health from A to Z: N – Nature Walk
Today I want to encourage Nature Walks. This is an especially good exercise to enjoy with children, but it’s good for just us grownups, too. Why? Well, besides the benefits […]