Health from A to Z: I – Integrity

Health A-Z -- I: Integrity

A collection of quotes from a book I’m currently reading encapsulate what it is I had in mind when I chose “integrity,” so I’m going to let them mostly speak for themselves.

“People who live in harmony with their basic life-governing values sense greater inner peace and usually feel that their lives are on target, more fulfilled, and less out of control.” – Gary R. Collins, Ph.D. in Christian Coaching 

“No person will be fulfilled, satisfied, or at peace if he or she neglects the things that matter most.  In contrast, when people live and act in accordance with their values, they experience an ongoing sense of fulfillment and inner joy.”  – Gary R. Collins, Ph.D. in Christian Coaching 

“When your daily activities reflect your governing values, you experience inner peace.” -Hyrum W. Smith, as quoted in Christian Coaching

“A values-based life is a fulfilled life.  When coaching clients live their lives in line with their values, it engenders a sense of well-being, self-respect, and self-esteem.  When they live a life that violates their values, it can lead to confusion, frustration, and depression.” -Patrick Williams & Diane S. Menendez, as quoted in Christian Coaching

So when I say “integrity,” I mean living your life in a way that’s coherent and consistent.  As the quotes above so clearly state, living in this way is good for our mental and emotional health!

Health A-Z -- I: Integrity

Health A-Z -- I: Integrity